We pulled in to Martin Nature Park at 5:15pm, excited to meet our new clients, we were surprised to see the banners stating that the gates would close at precisely 6pm. The park had just recently changed it's hours for the fall, but we still had plenty of time to get a wide variety of shots for our sweet couple, Ashlynn and Christian. After a quick hello, we stepped onto one of the glowing paths through the native oaks and started shooting. Ashlynn and Christian did a change of outfits while we talked with the kindly park manager – who informed us that, if we didn’t get out of the park before the gates closed, we would certainly be locked in for the night. Even he had been locked in by one security guards the week before! After chuckling over the situation, Ashlynn and Christian returned in their fresh change of clothes and we finished off the session shooting into the gorgeous glow of the setting sun.
During dinner at the Bricktown Brewery afterward, we enjoyed getting to relax and chat with Ashlynn and Christian - deadline aside! - talking about how they met, their families, and the planning for their upcoming wedding. We were so impressed by their hard work and commitment to each other and to their faith. It was clear that to Ashlynn and Christian, there are no individual problems or successes. Every step is one taken hand in hand, with the full support of the other.
We know that with that attitude, they have a confident, happy lifetime ahead, and we can’t wait to be with them when they are married in summer 2021!